What Size Engine Should I Get For My Truck

What Size Engine Should I Get For My Truck

What Size Engine Should I Get For My Truck

If you are looking for an engine for daily commuting or one for carrying loads, then you might be asking what might be the ideal size. Different factors determine the size of the engine you need in your vehicle and they include the carbon footprint, required power, and fuel economy.

Most manufacturers are using smaller engines with large power in newer trucks compared to the past.

It is part of the industry’s efforts to ensure efficiency by enabling manufacturers to produce higher power engines while reducing exhaust emissions.

So, what is the ideal size engine for your truck?

size of engine

Engine size is also called engine displacement or engine capacity and is the total volume of cylinders in the engine.

As the size increases, the space for air increases and fuel inside it.

The size of the engine is usually expressed in liters. On the other hand, the power of the engine is quoted in horsepower

One liter is equal to 1000 cubic centimeters (cc), but the manufacturers usually round them to the nearest tenth of a liter.

For instance, if a vehicle has a 1.56-liter tank capacity, it will be rounded to 1.6 liters.

The size of the engine determines the amount of power it can produce, and as the size increases, so does the power.

But though this rule still applies to date, turbocharged engines are smaller but generate more power.

Turbocharging in Engines

Turbocharging is a common term in vehicle engines. The vehicle produces exhaust fumes after burning the fuel.

These are exhaust gases being pumped out of the engine. Since they are waste products, they are usually released into the air.

But a vehicle with a turbocharger reuses this exhaust air to drive a fan or turbine, which draws more air to the engine allowing it to burn more fuel.

This will increase the power produced by the engine and even enables a smaller engine to produce more power.

Factors that determine the Engine Size

Behind every vehicle, the engine is the heart, and though you may love the size and design of the truck, you need to consider what’s under the hood.

Engine Type

The first thing you usually consider in a truck’s engine is whether it’s a gas or diesel engine.

It’s important because you will know the type of fuel to buy at the gas station.

The best engine for your lightweight truck is a gas engine.

But if your truck will be carrying heavy loads, then you should consider the diesel engines.

Diesel engines are ideal for hauling heavy loads and are common in large trailers.

It’s hard to find a heavy trailer with a gas engine because it doesn’t produce enough power to carry loads of 20,000 pounds or more. And if you own an RV, then the weight will be lower.

Therefore, the truck determines the type of engine you will use.

The average trailer weighs 7,000 lbs, and with the fifth wheel, it can go up to 10,000 lbs.

Engine Volume

The volume of the engine is one of the most important parameters.

It’s not even the type of engine which matters, but its totals in engine volume.

This volume is expressed in liters, and it’s the total volume of the combined cylinders.

Engines like those of sedans have four cylinders with smaller volumes, while for a V8, the engines have a larger volume.

And as the size of the cylinders increases, so does the engine power.

This means that the vehicle will be less fuel-efficient as the volume increases.

Number of Cylinders

If you are already a professional in the automotive world, you are probably familiar with engine cylinders.

Regular cars for example such as sedans and hatchbacks usually have four cylinders in a single line.

But most modern trucks have over four cylinders bringing forth a V-shaped engine.

And for the high-end vehicles like V6 and V8 and other larges SUVs and trucks, they have more cylinders.

They produce more energy and are ideal for carrying heavy loads.


The torque refers to how the engine transfers its power to the crankshaft.

It’s the leverage required for the truck to amplify the engine-produced power. As the torque increases, so does the strength of the engine.

Torque is ideal when the truck is accelerating or playing against physical forces.

Pick-ups have the best torque because they are specially designed to haul or tow loads.

What is the Ideal Size Engine for Trucks

V6 or a V8

Most trucks capacity of 3.0 liters can handle some of the towing needs. And as the capacity increases, then the truck can pull things like caravans and heavy trailers.

It will be even better when it has a higher torque as it will perform better when towing heavier weights.

3.5 liters and Higher

Engines that have a 3.5 liter and higher capacity feature high performance.

It’s ideal for truck drivers looking for higher performance for towing a caravan and other heavy loads.

It’s the best engine for extremely heavier loads and will not disappoint like the smaller engines.

These engines include 5.3 liters and up to 6.7 liters.

Gas or Diesel

Do you need gas or a diesel engine, if you’re only towing light-duty trailers and you not rolling down the highway all the time doing so then we recommend a gas engine for you for these light-duty loads?

If you’re going to be hauling a lot of heavyweights and your going to be doing it all the time down the highway or just even towing a travel trailer on your journeys we recommend going with the diesel engine as this one will give you the best wear and tear and life for the engine in the long term.

How the Engine Size affects Fuel Consumption

When you have a larger engine, it will burn more fuel at every revolution per minute. Therefore, it will consume more fuel than a small engine, which is one of the main considerations when buying a truck.

If your focus is to get a bigger and powerful engine without minding the fuel consumption, you will need a bigger engine for your truck.

Also, if you are carrying heavy loads or love the hard acceleration, you need a bigger engine for your truck.

This is because large engines produce more power for your journey.

Alternatively, you can get a small engine with modern technology like turbocharging that enables it to work like a bigger one.

With this technology, you won’t need a large engine to get a higher power and performance.


When looking for your truck’s engine, you should consider their sizes because they determine the performance.

Whether you are towing or hauling with your truck, you need to choose the engine that offers superior performance and enough force to do the job.


Truck Report Geeks

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